IPL procedure with Linda Behla: Comfortable, effective removal of brown spots on face and neck

Linda Behla, RN, SkinSpirit

Linda Behla, RN, SkinSpirit

Yesterday I had my first face and neck IPL by Linda Behla, RN, at SkinSpirit.

I interviewed Linda to get her take on why she was so enthusiastic to do an IPL on me. She stated,

I chose an IPL procedure for you because you have the ideal skin and conditions. The spots on your light skin are so pronounced that it’s the first thing I see every time I look at your face. My guess is that you were a lifeguard in your earlier years. Your light skin that has aged through the years, with a history of extra sun, is now showing the typical brown spots that are congregated in certain areas.

The IPL procedure (up to 3-5 applications) will improve your skin tone by decreasing redness and reducing hyperpigmentation caused by sun exposure and age. People will definitely notice and ask you what you did to get such great skin! You will be blown away by the results.

I learned that the IPL will not only reduce the brown hyperpigmentation and red veins (i.e., rosacea) but that beneath the skin’s surface, there will be some cell regrowth, skin tightening and collagen stimulation.

That all sounds good to me…



Pre IPL treatment: Before my appointment, since I am such a wimp for pain, I didn’t want to take a chance so I applied a heavy dose of topical Lidocaine to my face and neck 45 minutes prior to the procedure. My face was pretty numb at that point. Extra numb.

Procedure:  All went well—actually, better than I expected.

First, Linda took some photos so that we could analyze the before-and-after results. I got some protective eyewear to block out the intense light during the procedure. Linda washed my face and neck with specially-formulated cleanser, applied some ice-cold gel by area and immediately got started.

Starting with my cheeks, I could feel the contrast between the cold gel and the hot pulses, but there was very little discomfort. I could see a dim red light during each pulse. Linda constantly asked me if I were feeling ok, if the heat temperature was too high, and especially wanted to know how I was doing. I was happy that she quickly moved from area to area, knowing that it was best for me. I felt the most intensity on the areas which were the most highly pigmented.

The light from the IPL targets the darker pigments that stand out against the light, naturally-colored skin. When it saw the darker sections, the heat intensified and I could feel that. I felt the most on my upper cheeks and sides of neck.

After moving over the whole face and neck, she returned to the spots themselves with a spot-treatment application, which targeted both brown and red. The procedure was over quicker than I thought and I could then breathe a sigh of relief, while I got to hold an ice pack on the areas which began to feel hot. I was instructed to use ice through the evening if I needed it.

Post treatment: I was sent home with some Epidermal Repair by SkinCeuticals (available at SkinSpirit) to apply every morning and night post-IPL.



It’s a moisturizer which includes hydrocortisone for healing and comfort. It repairs by stimulating the tissues and renewing cells. It accelerates the skin’s barrier, reduces inflammation, diminishes redness from the treatment and protects the skin.

Within the hour following my treatment, I kept applying the ice to my hot skin. After two hours, I developed a headache which I treated with ibuprofen. My skin cooled down at this point.

At home, I was told to expect redness tonight, and little black “coffee grounds” on the darker spots as they fall off around day 5, leaving my skin noticeably clearer. At first, the spots will be more pronounced with a rim of red around brown in the days to follow.

I asked about my heated activities since I’m addicted to steam rooms and hot yoga. I am to stay away from intense heat for 48 hours, as it’s not a good idea to make the hot skin feel even more uncomfortable. The skin needs time to heal on its own first.

Tomorrow evening I will do some mellow Yin yoga.

Linda advised that to protect my investment after I have my new skin, she highly recommends daily application of a topical antioxidant vitamin C, specifically SkinCeuticals Phloretin to block harmful UVA/UVB rays from the sun, reduce fine lines, improve texture and decrease pigmentation. Approximately day 3-5, after the redness has gone away, Linda recommends I start using RetinA at night.

Linda is great! I can’t say enough about her confidence and expertise, let alone her personable approach. She made me feel at ease and was always looking out for my comfort, balanced with her knowledge on how high the intensity needs to be in order to get results! I can tell she really cares that I am happy with my final results. She is determined to get me clear, spot-free skin! Thank you, Linda.

IPL hyperpigmentation

Day 2 post-IPL

Day 2:

I woke to completely normal-feeling skin. I can already see a couple small spots darkened to the color of “coffee grounds”. The spots are more pronounced but I don’t feel like I need to hide from the public. I cleansed my face and neck with some gentle cleanser containing tea tree oil and applied my Epidermal Repair, followed by sunscreen SPF 30-50.

I am set to return for IPL #2 in 3-4 weeks, depending on how quickly my skin heals from this first round and my schedule. Stay tuned for more updates as I share my day-to-day comparisons.

day3-post-IPL neck

Day 3 post-IPL

Day 3:

The brown pigmented spots are getting darker. My neck is making the most progress. Little specks of “coffee grounds” on the rest of my face in various places. My skin overall feels normal.

Linda advised me that it looks good so far and reminded me that I should not scrub or pick off the brown/black spots to prevent irritation and scarring.

Day 4:

My whole face has been itchy today, so I’ve washed it a few times and reapplied the Epidermal Repair to help with itchiness. So far I haven’t felt the need to take an anti-histamine for itching, which Linda gave as an option if I needed it. I also used a natural facial cleansing pad containing tea tree oil, and am remaining in a cool environment.


Day 4 post-IPL

My face is extra splotchy-looking today. The spots on my neck have gotten the darkest (almost black) the quickest. Of course, I am not trying to rub them off. I look forward to seeing no pigment underneath the “coffee grounds” after they naturally wash away.

Day 5:

I went into a steam room today, but started off with a heavy application of lotion to my face and neck so that it would soak in (and so that I could do away with itchy skin). I started in the sauna, but this was too dry. The steam felt like it was giving my skin the moisture it needed.

Day 6-7:

No real changes to report. My cheeks are still prevalent with darker spots (light brown), but no blackening yet. The IPL procedure clearly brought some of the pigment to the surface. I am sure the next round will do even more. Holding out until the 10th day to see how far this IPL #1 takes me.

day 9 IPL

Day 9 post-IPL

Day 8-9:

At this point all of the blackened areas are gone, darker spots seemed to have settled back down. I believe this is as far as I’ll get with this IPL #1 treatment.

In my next office appointment with Linda, she will take more photos. I will post the latest before and after photos here before starting the second IPL procedure.

Stay tuned for November 5.


© 2013 R.E.L. Copywriting

Sciton® laser: Hair removal with BBL™ Broadband Light

Continuing on with my series of articles about Dr. Macdonald’s Sciton® laser services, coming soon…

As discussed he will be treating patients soon for:

  • Hair removal
  • Skin resurfacing
  • Skin pigment
  • Skin tightening
  • Vein treatment

BBL™ Broadband Light hair removal process.  

Sciton® BBL™ is an innovative light-based technology that utilizes pulses of light energy to gently penetrate into the skin, destroying unwanted hair follicles. Say goodbye to shaving, depilatory creams, or even electrolosis–which can be time-consuming and painful.

How does BBL™ work?  Delivering photothermal energy to hair follicles, your treatment can be tailored to your skin type with various selectable wavelengths.  While your hair is in its growth stage (anagen), it is most vulnerable to light therapy. BBL™ selectively heats the full length of the imbedded hair follicle cutting off its supply of nutrients, thus disabling its growth.  (Note: BBL™ treatments are not appropriate for suntanned skin.)

How many treatments are needed?  Because all hair is not always in the growth stage at one time, multiple treatments must be given over time to treat it while it is in the growth stage.  Aimed at permanent hair reduction, and varying per person as well as body part, you will most likely be advised to get a series of treatments, spaced out by 4-8 weeks.

What is the procedure and healing time like?  Although minimally invasive to destroy many hair follicles at once with photothermal light, you will wear safety shields to protect your eyes, and some patients desire anesthetic cream for sensitive skin areas during the procedure–where you may feel a warm “rubber band snap” sensation as the light is absorbed by the targeted areas. With only slight redness and sun-sensitivity after the treatment, there is virtually no down time.

Common body parts treated: face, neck, underarms, bikini line, legs, arms.

Next article:  more details on skin resurfacing.

© 2011 R.E.L. Copywriting and Michael R. Macdonald. All rights reserved.

Sciton® laser: Skin resurfacing, skin tightening, skin pigment reduction, hair removal, vein treatment

The Sciton® laser sounds amazing. Dr. Macdonald has one now for his office, and is starting the treatment procedures soon to enhance his skin rejuvenation service offerings. [These details will be documented fully on his new website under laser services..coming very soon.]

From treating wrinkles, scars and sun-damaged skin to hair removal, the Sciton® innovative technology supports procedures which range from light and quick, to deeper and more inclusive… all depending on your skin’s needs.

I’ll be writing a series of articles on this laser, but first to introduce the specific areas it treats:

Hair removal.

BBL™ Broadband Light offers high speed laser hair removal and phototherapy, safe for all skin types and colors, for various body parts. The procedure is virtually pain-free with a little numbing cream. The side-effects (temporary pigment changes, redness, slight swelling) only last for 48 hours.

Skin resurfacing.

MicroLaserPeel® (the “weekend peel”), Laser Peel – Coutour TRL™, ProFractional™ and BBL™ Broadband Light are all offered for resurfacing the skin and restoring your natural youthful look. Whether it be sun damage, age or acne scars, these procedures will enhance your overall appearance.

Skin pigment.

Hyperpigmentation from sun damage and aging can make you look years older than you actually are. Laser Peel Contour TRL™ and BBL™ Broadband Light can help you clean up any areas that are exposed to the harmful rays of the sun by reducing unwanted melanin. In the process, the collagen in your skin gets regenerated.

Skin tightening.

Make a difference toward sagging, aged skin with SkinTyte™ or BBL™ Broadband Light procedures. As the infrared energy heats dermal collagen, it also cools it to protect the surface. Comfortably and with no downtime, this procedure promotes the tightening of the skin.

Vein treatment.

Veins that pop out of your legs or your face can be diminished with BBL™ Broadband Light phototherapy. Tiny and larger blood vessels are activated by heat on the upper layers of your skin, allowing the heat to absorb the targeted areas as they stimulate the skin and regenerate new collagen. Smoother, more youthful looking skin is your result.

Next article: details behind laser hair removal.

By the way, appointments are booking already for mid-January. I know I’m going to try to get on the list…

© 2011 R.E.L. Copywriting and Michael R. Macdonald. All rights reserved.