Sciton® laser: Skin resurfacing with Contour TRL™, ProFractional™, MicroLaserPeel® or BBL™

Continuing on with my series of articles about Dr. Macdonald’s Sciton® laser services, coming soon…

As discussed he will be treating patients soon for:

  • Hair removal
  • Skin resurfacing
  • Skin pigment
  • Skin tightening
  • Vein treatment

Skin Resurfacing.  In the laser treatment world, what constitutes skin resurfacing? Revamping skin that is damaged from the sun, clearing up acne scars, enhancing skin tone, minimizing or erasing hyperpigmentation in the skin, and reversing the sign of aging.  Laser resurfacing of the entire face also may delay the need for a comprehensive facelift.

A) Contour TRL™ Laser Peel.

Sciton® Laser Peel – Contour TRL™ is a safe and effective deep skin resurfacing laser treatment to promote a younger and rejuvenated appearance.  Although there are several different types of lasers on the market used to perform peels, the Contour TRL™ is widely regarded as the most effective laser available.  This treatment targets the effects of sun damage and environmental pollutants which create skin tone irregularities and create wrinkles, particularly deep wrinkles around the mouth and eyes.

How does Contour TRL™ work?  This laser safely removes a layer of skin, with computer-guided micron precision.  Treating your skin with this laser will stimulate the growth of new collagen to improve the skin’s thickness and resilience as it grows new, health skin cells.

Common body parts treated:  face, neck

B) ProFractional™ and ProFractional-XC™.

Sciton® ProFractional™ and ProFractional-XC™ laser skin resurfacing procedures offer dramatic results with minimal down time.  Enhancing the overall appearance of your skin, this laser therapy targets wrinkles, acne, skin tone and skin pigments.

How do ProFractional™ and ProFractional-XC™ work?  This treatment utilizes a tiny laser to treat thousands of pinpoint areas of your skin, while rapidly healing along side with your body’s existing stem cells, simultaneously.  The healing areas create new collagen and elastin to add firmness and resilience to the new skin.  Two spot size settings with selectable densities are available to enhance collagen remodeling where desired.

Common body parts treated: face, neck, chest, hands

C) MicroLaserPeel® Superficial Skin Resurfacing.

Sciton® MicroLaserPeel®, sometimes known as the “weekend peel”, offers great results with minimal down time.  It’s an outer to mid-epidermal peel that precisely removes a thin layer of skin to a selectable depth. In other words, it does not go too deep into skin, yet is effective for glowing skin and treats mild wrinkles, scars, sun damage, and pigment irregularities.

How does MicroLaserPeel® work?  The laser beam eliminates some of the damaged skin cells that create a noticeably tired, aged look. As the skin heals, fresh cells grow and resurface the treated area, resulting in reduced wrinkles and improved skin color evenness–a healthier, more vibrant look.

Common body parts treated: face, neck, chest, hands

D) BBL™ Broadband Light skin resurfacing treatment.  

Sciton® BBL™ is an innovative light-based technology that sets new standards for skin conditions associated with aging, active lifestyles, and sun damage.

How does BBL™ work?  Delivering photothermal energy, it utilizes pulses of light energy to gently penetrate into the skin.  The light energy will gently heat the upper layers of your skin, stimulating the skin cells to regenerate new collagen. The natural beauty of your youthful skin will be evident as this process blends the natural skin colors while making it smoother, vibrant while restoring a youthful appearance.

Common body parts treated:   face, hands, neck, chest, shoulders

Stay tuned for more details on skin pigment treatments.

© 2012 R.E.L. Copywriting and Michael R. Macdonald. All rights reserved.

Sciton® laser: Hair removal with BBL™ Broadband Light

Continuing on with my series of articles about Dr. Macdonald’s Sciton® laser services, coming soon…

As discussed he will be treating patients soon for:

  • Hair removal
  • Skin resurfacing
  • Skin pigment
  • Skin tightening
  • Vein treatment

BBL™ Broadband Light hair removal process.  

Sciton® BBL™ is an innovative light-based technology that utilizes pulses of light energy to gently penetrate into the skin, destroying unwanted hair follicles. Say goodbye to shaving, depilatory creams, or even electrolosis–which can be time-consuming and painful.

How does BBL™ work?  Delivering photothermal energy to hair follicles, your treatment can be tailored to your skin type with various selectable wavelengths.  While your hair is in its growth stage (anagen), it is most vulnerable to light therapy. BBL™ selectively heats the full length of the imbedded hair follicle cutting off its supply of nutrients, thus disabling its growth.  (Note: BBL™ treatments are not appropriate for suntanned skin.)

How many treatments are needed?  Because all hair is not always in the growth stage at one time, multiple treatments must be given over time to treat it while it is in the growth stage.  Aimed at permanent hair reduction, and varying per person as well as body part, you will most likely be advised to get a series of treatments, spaced out by 4-8 weeks.

What is the procedure and healing time like?  Although minimally invasive to destroy many hair follicles at once with photothermal light, you will wear safety shields to protect your eyes, and some patients desire anesthetic cream for sensitive skin areas during the procedure–where you may feel a warm “rubber band snap” sensation as the light is absorbed by the targeted areas. With only slight redness and sun-sensitivity after the treatment, there is virtually no down time.

Common body parts treated: face, neck, underarms, bikini line, legs, arms.

Next article:  more details on skin resurfacing.

© 2011 R.E.L. Copywriting and Michael R. Macdonald. All rights reserved.

Sciton® laser: Skin resurfacing, skin tightening, skin pigment reduction, hair removal, vein treatment

The Sciton® laser sounds amazing. Dr. Macdonald has one now for his office, and is starting the treatment procedures soon to enhance his skin rejuvenation service offerings. [These details will be documented fully on his new website under laser services..coming very soon.]

From treating wrinkles, scars and sun-damaged skin to hair removal, the Sciton® innovative technology supports procedures which range from light and quick, to deeper and more inclusive… all depending on your skin’s needs.

I’ll be writing a series of articles on this laser, but first to introduce the specific areas it treats:

Hair removal.

BBL™ Broadband Light offers high speed laser hair removal and phototherapy, safe for all skin types and colors, for various body parts. The procedure is virtually pain-free with a little numbing cream. The side-effects (temporary pigment changes, redness, slight swelling) only last for 48 hours.

Skin resurfacing.

MicroLaserPeel® (the “weekend peel”), Laser Peel – Coutour TRL™, ProFractional™ and BBL™ Broadband Light are all offered for resurfacing the skin and restoring your natural youthful look. Whether it be sun damage, age or acne scars, these procedures will enhance your overall appearance.

Skin pigment.

Hyperpigmentation from sun damage and aging can make you look years older than you actually are. Laser Peel Contour TRL™ and BBL™ Broadband Light can help you clean up any areas that are exposed to the harmful rays of the sun by reducing unwanted melanin. In the process, the collagen in your skin gets regenerated.

Skin tightening.

Make a difference toward sagging, aged skin with SkinTyte™ or BBL™ Broadband Light procedures. As the infrared energy heats dermal collagen, it also cools it to protect the surface. Comfortably and with no downtime, this procedure promotes the tightening of the skin.

Vein treatment.

Veins that pop out of your legs or your face can be diminished with BBL™ Broadband Light phototherapy. Tiny and larger blood vessels are activated by heat on the upper layers of your skin, allowing the heat to absorb the targeted areas as they stimulate the skin and regenerate new collagen. Smoother, more youthful looking skin is your result.

Next article: details behind laser hair removal.

By the way, appointments are booking already for mid-January. I know I’m going to try to get on the list…

© 2011 R.E.L. Copywriting and Michael R. Macdonald. All rights reserved.