Obagi Blue Peel®, Vi PEEL™: What is the result?

I keep hearing about the TCA peel, Obagi Blue Peel® and the latest peel (with a small amount of TCA) called a Vi PEEL™. I wondered if it is time for me to have one done. Having been through a 5-series PCA chemical peel through Dr. Macdonald’s office, I know the benefits to enhancing the skin at the cellular level, and also know that it’s good to do this periodically.

Am I ready for the intensity of a TCA Peel or even a medium peel that is stronger than a PCA? This is what I wonder.

For my next peel I’m thinking I want to try a deeper and stronger strength–one that will potentially diminish, if not erase, my remaining hyperpigmentation (a.k.a. “brown spots”) that I’ve accumulated from the sun and/or age.

As I’ve discussed before brown spots on your aging skin are 85% due to the environment and 15% due to aging.

Unlike the chemical peel series I had performed last year (search Category: Chemical Peel for my story), the Obagi Blue Peel® and Vi PEEL™ contain TCA (medium to deeper peels made of trichloric acid) and are considered physician-strength peels. This means that a doctor needs to administer it instead of a Medical Aesthetician.

I am a little nervous about the idea of a stronger peel since my skin is so sensitive, even with the lighter PCA peel. However, I have faith in Dr. Macdonald’s physician-strength peel care.

With TCA peels, I would expect a mild, burning sensation for the first few minutes. Then I will require a longer healing time than the PCA peel. There will most likely be more than one peel to get my desired results.

Both PCA and TCA peels together with the following will help with my skin health:

  • proper cleanser to balance out the oil and the dryness
  • sunscreen with SPF to block from the sun’s harmful rays
  • antioxidants to neutralize free radicals
  • retinol A (vitamin A) to rejuvenate cells
  • vitamin C to build collagen
  • vitamin D3 to protect
The Obagi Blue Peel® and Vi PEEL™ TCA peel would:
  • reduce the brown skin spots
  • visibly improve complexion
  • firm up skin
  • produce smoother, more youthful skin

Of course I’d like the results I mentioned. The cons are the longer downtime (7-10 days). This would mean that not only would I need to hide from the public, but I also cannot go to yoga or go in a steamroom–my favorites.

I asked Pamela DePianto, new Clinical Esthetician in Dr. Macdonald’s practice, about her stance on chemical peels and skin care. Specializing in skin care, after hearing my story, she advised that I will probably want to try the Vi PEEL™ since it has a milder approach and would probably be more favorable to me with my sensitive skin (yet desire to go deeper than PCA). She said that the Vi PEEL™ is not as intense as Obagi Blue Peel® and just as effective. She advised that I would probably do 2-3 peels in a series.

Before making any true assessments of my skin, she will have me come in to the office for a consultation and facial. I’m looking forward to it!

To be continued….

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