Day 6: Cosmetic Tattoo Eyeliner

From Karine, one of the Cosmetic Tattoo patients of Thao Duong, Dr. Macdonald’s Permanent Cosmetic Artist.  She recently had upper and lower eyeliner tattoos done…

Karine is healing fast from her upper and lower eyeliner tattooing procedure performed on October 20.

In the last few days, a significant amount of ink is flaking off as part of the procedure.  Karine reports that she wakes up in the morning and a lot of it is clumped up in the corner of her eyes.  During the day she continues to use a wet q-tip to periodically wipe away the flecks that flake off.

One day she felt that a larger section peeled off.  She was a little nervous that the entire tattoo section was coming off completely (but it wasn’t).  Overall, she is now left with a noticeably lighter version of the eyeliner on the lowers.

The swelling and redness is completely gone.  Check out the difference from 4 days ago.

On the uppers the eyeliner is thinner and right along the eyelash line (closer than you could ever get while applying eyeliner).

Karine shared with me that Thao applies the ink not only above and below the lashes, but in between them as well so there is a more even effect.

Apparently, Thao calls almost every day to follow-up on her progress.  This is certainly a nice perk 🙂

Karine has her first check-up appointment on Wednesday (in 2 days).  She is considering taking Thao up on her offer to do a free touch-up.  She is interested in making the lowers a little darker now that it has lightened so much in the last few days.

What do you think?

Please follow her entire story by selecting category “cosmetic tattoo”.

© 2010 R.E.L. Copywriting. All rights reserved.

Day 3-4: Cosmetic Tattoo Eyeliner, Soothing, Healing

From Karine, one of the Cosmetic Tattoo patients of Thao Duong, Dr. Macdonald’s Permanent Cosmetic Artist.  She recently had upper and lower eyeliner tattoos done…

Her story starts:

***From Karine Oct 22-23 (Day 3 + 4)***

The healing is going well and I love my results already!  I’m so curious, what do you readers think?  Do you like the effect?

Has anyone who has seen me in person made any comments to me that might relate to my new tattoos? No one has really said anything.  I ran into an acquaintance when I had my glasses on and he was unphased.

Can I put eye shadow over the shine to be more presentable or just skip the ointment? I’m supposed to wear the ointment 24×7 for 8-10 days.  I have only worn it minimally during the days and the glasses with dark rim seem to cover up (especially the uppers) any redness or swelling.

I glob the ointment on thicker at night.  I only apply it in the morning after a shower.  Then maybe a little more later in the day. The idea is to keep it moist as that lessens the itching.

What did my husband and children say (who all knew I was getting this procedure done)? At first my husband had forgotten about my procedure and simply mentioned that I looked extra pretty tonight and wondered if I did something different?   My kids just thought I had on extra makeup.  Since they are boys and very honest, they would have told me I “look scary” if the look were too drastic. 🙂  I guess I passed the test!

Am I feeling any pain? I’ve really had no pain at all, just feeling a little odd (heavy lids) because of the slight swelling particularly in my upper lids since the procedure.  It’s diminished considerably though by now, and it never was very bad given that I was able to go to watch a play at the San Francisco Playhouse the day after my procedure and no one even noticed anything weird as my eyes were merely just a little “glossy” looking from the ointment.

How am I addressing the swelling? To address the swelling, I took Thao’s advice and made up 4 teabags the first day after my procedure and put them in a plastic baggie in the freezer.  They were the round-shaped ones which are perfect for covering the eye area.  I would move them from freezer to fridge for maybe a half hour before applying them so they weren’t so cold to give me a “slurppy” headache.

How am I assisting in helping the wound to heal? I followed Thao’s advice to put on my healing ointment to make sure the area was moist, then gently lay saran wrap across my eyes and place the cold tea bags on top of that.  This was very soothing!  For “wound” healing, Thao had me get an ointment called Aquaphor which can be found at Walgreens or most any drugstore.

I’ve been using a micro-brush that Thao provided me with to apply the Aquaphor right along my upper & lower lash line periodically throughout the day to ensure it stays moist.

This is also soothing and I glob it on a bit thicker at night when I sleep.  I make sure to use a pillowcase that I don’t mind smudging up a bit.  As stated above I’ll be wearing the ointment for 8-10 days.

Is the ointment getting in my eyes at night? A little, but not bad.

As the skin is starting to heal, does it itch? Yes.

Anything new happening? I’m using a wet q-tip to periodically wipe away color flecks that flake off.  I do this 1-2 times per day.  This is as expected.

Anything different when I exercise? I’m not allowed to exercise vigorously yet. Thao advised this as the salty sweat will sting/burn.  I’m still taking my dog for a walk though.  He is happy about that 🙂

Am I allowed to get hot water on my face? Have I been in my hot tub? Has my shower routine changed? I have not been in the hot tub yet but I’m allowed so I will go today.  I’m allowed to get my face wet in the shower, but trying not to squint or rub my eyes.

Does it affect my contacts that I wear to correct my blurry vision? I cannot wear contacts for 7-10 days because Thao doesn’t want me tugging on the delicate eye skin.  So, this is another reason why I’m wearing glasses. 

Has the swelling and redness changed at all from the first morning pics taken on Day 2? Swelling and redness seems the same.

When is my follow up office meeting with Thao? My next follow-up meeting with Thao is on October 27th (on Day 8).

Stay tuned for more updates….


© 2010 R.E.L. Copywriting. All rights reserved.